Supporting Our Communities


Derek teaches beekeeping at a workshop at Sunwise

Supporting similar communities promoting sustainable and cooperative living is part of the mission on which SCHA was founded (see the founding principles in Articles of Incorporation).  SCHA has pursued this objective in a variety of ways.  Some recent projects are described here.

Davis Cooperative Community Network (DCCN)

SCHA members helped found the Davis Cooperative Community Network in Spring of 2010.  The Network exist[ed] to help promote communication and interaction between the rich and varied collection of cooperatives in Davis.

Davis Bike Collective

In March 2009, members of the Davis Bike Collective approached the SCHA board seeking fiscal sponsorship (the proposal to SCHA here) that would allow them to receive tax-deductible donations and sign a lease on a shop space on 4th and L.  Our board agreed, adding the property to our insurance and the name to the lease.  The collective has thrived in its new home and received its own recognition as a 501(c)3. Learn more at


NASCO: The annual conference for cooperatives in North America.  We send some members to the conference each year.  Any member of SCHA can have one trip to NASCO paid for by the SCHA board during their tenure of their membership.

WESTCO: The regional conference of NASCO, which we host alternating with co-ops in Santa Barbara, Berkeley and Eugene.

CCCD: California Center for Cooperative Development is based in Davis, and holds a variety of cooperative conferences each year.  We often sponsor attendance.


We may be able to offer formal and informal workshops in bee keeping, composting, green building, and other skills. Contact us for more information.

Other Davis Area Intentional Communities

N-Street Cohousing

Dos Pinos Housing Cooperative

Muir Commons

Turtle House

Village Homes