Informational Sessions

Mon / Feb 10 / 6-7:30pm
Tue / Feb 11 / 7-8:30pm
Thur / Feb 13 / 6-7:30pm

Would you like to be placed on the waitlist to live in an SCHA co-op for the 2024-25 leasing period?

Would you like to apply for the 2025-26 leasing period?

Apply Today !!

Applications for Summer 2025 and for the 2025-26 Academic Year will be available starting January 1, 2025.

Solar Community Housing Association (SCHA) is a Davis-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides cooperative housing for low-income people. SCHA is governed by residents, who serve as representatives on the board of directors. SCHA houses 88-90 co-op residents between six co-op houses with 7-15 residents each and “The Domes” – a co-housing community of 26 residents housed in 13 two-bedroom dome homes. SCHA leases three of the houses (the Tri Co-ops) and the Domes from UC Davis, and owns the three off-campus houses. Our co-ops strive to be a safe(r) and accessible space for people with marginalized identities, while simultaneously creating space to unlearn oppressive behaviors.

On these pages you’ll find more about who we are, our involvement in the community, and resources for members and other housing cooperatives. Welcome!


Here are some application questions that are common to all SCHA co-ops that may take more time and consideration:

  • In our cooperative spaces, we encourage and challenge each other to learn about economic justice, queerness, trans identities, racial justice, environmental justice, ableism, and many other topics and systems of oppression. How do you feel about continuing to learn/unlearn with one another?
  • What has your experience been in sharing space (classroom, home, work, etc.) with people with different lived experiences from your own?
  • How have you acknowledged ways in which you have been/are oppressive? What actions have you taken to address this behavior/mindset?
  • How do you aspire to resist unjust forces?
  • How do you practice consent in your everyday life?
  • Cooperative living means a lot of things. What does it mean to you? What interests you about living at the co-ops you are applying to? What do you find challenging?
  • What communities do you view yourself being a part of?
  • Keeping your own ability in mind, how much time could you realistically see yourself committing to the house/organization a day/week? We understand that everyone’s capacity is different and want folks to be informed about the commitments a co-op entails. Co-opers usually do 3-6 hours of chores per week which may include cooking, bookkeeping, co-op meetings, committees work and household chores.
  • Related to that, is there anything you want your housemates to know relating to ability to participate? (Ex. physical/mental health/ability or work scheduling, privacy needs, dietary needs, religious needs)
  • What are some things you do for self-care?
  • What makes you feel safe and comfortable?
  • What do you anticipate will be good for you living in the co-ops you applied to?
  • What do you think will be difficult for you living in the co-ops you applied to?
  • Tell us about a time when you had to compromise. OR Tell us about a conflict you experienced that felt unresolved.
  • What are some of your main interests in and out of school/work?
  • Do you have any previous knowledge pertaining to financially, mechanically, or socially maintaining a household?
  • What aspects of our community are you interested in being involved with or learning about?