Davis, Sac & Co-op Resources


Davis Bike Collective / davisbikecollective.org
The Davis Bike Collective is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit community bicycle organization. We provide a public DIY shop where folks share tools, skills, and knowledge about bike maintenance and repair. Our aim is to empower confident and committed cyclists through education and community building, and to encourage more cyclists by making bikes and bike maintenance fun, safe, and accessible for everyone.

Davis Community Meals / daviscommunitymeals.org
The purpose of Davis Community Meals and Housing is to provide low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives. Serving free meals on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:45pm – 6:30pm and lunch on Saturdays from 11:30am – 12:15pm at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church.

Davis Food Co-op / davisfood.coop
The Davis Food Co-op exists to serve as a community store and gathering place for current and future owners, so they have: a thriving cooperatively owned business; access to healthful, local and high-quality food; a store that makes environmental sustainability a priority; and, staff who are valued, educated and motivated.

Davis Food Not Bombs / davisfnb.org
Free vegan meals for anyone that’s hungry. Serving 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at Central Park (4th & C).

Davis Freedge & Night Market / freedge.org / davisnightmarket.org
Free food refrigerators are scattered about Davis as well as on the UCD campus. Night Market distributes donated food from restaurants, grocery stores and bakeries Monday through Friday from about 9-11pm at Central Park (4th & C).

Davis Media Access / davismedia.org
DMA is a community media center serving Davis, CA and surrounding areas. Our mission is to enrich and strengthen the community by providing alternatives to commercial media for local voices, opinions and creative endeavors.

Davis Phoenix Coalition / davisphoenixco.org
The mission of the Phoenix Coalition is to engage the community to eliminate intolerance for the purpose of preventing hate motivated violence and cultivate a broader civic culture that embraces and promotes a diverse community.

Davis Street Market / instagram.com/davis_street_market
Street market on Saturdays 3rd & B Streets, 10-2pm. Public community + art.

International House / internationalhousedavis.org
International House Davis (I-House) connects people, experiences, and perspectives within a global framework. Our programs, classes, services, and events provide opportunities to learn about and experience cultures from around the world, while building connections within our diverse local community.

Solidarity Space / instagram.com/solidaritydavis
A space for our community to process, grieve, show support and stand in solidarity with Black lives.

Third Space Art Collective / thirdspacedavis.org (currently without a home)
Third Space is a California nonprofit corporation dedicated to helping artists, regardless of political affiliation, sexuality, race, gender, age, or creed, to develop their artistic passions through education and collaboration. Third Space facilitates the display and performance of all artistic disciplines by providing to the community space, knowledge, and tools necessary to create.

Yolo People Power / davis9.carrd.co / yolopeoplepower.org
A grassroots group fighting for a just and equitable criminal justice system in Yolo County, CA.


Anti Police-Terror Project / antipoliceterrorproject.org/sacramento
The Anti Police-Terror Project is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color. We support families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing.

Lavender Library / lavenderlibrary.com
The Lavender Library is an all-volunteer-run lending library, archive and community space with LGBTQ+ books, films and more.

Library of MusicLandria / musiclandria.com
We are a Free Musical Instrument Lending Library. The Library of MusicLandria is dedicated to breaking down the barriers to musical exploration. We inspire personal growth and creative innovation through hands-on learning opportunities.

MH First / antipoliceterrorproject.org/mh-first-sac
MH First is a cutting-edge new model for non-police response to mental health crisis. The goal of MH First is to respond to mental health crises including, but not limited to, psychiatric emergencies, substance use support, and domestic violence safety planning. Our purpose is to interrupt and eliminate the need for law enforcement in mental health crisis first response by providing mobile peer support, de-escalation assistance, and non-punitive and life-affirming interventions, therefore decriminalizing emotional and psychological crises and decreasing the stigma around mental health, substance use, and domestic violence, while also addressing their root causes: white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism.

Norcal Resist / norcalresist.org
We’re community members organizing for a better world, and we invite you to join us. We’re building infrastructure against oppression and empowering our communities through shared resources and support. We host educational events and trainings, organize actions, and maintain a variety of resources and programs that provide support to those in need.

Sacramento LGBT Center / saccenter.org
The Sacramento LGBT Community Center works to create a region where LGBTQ+ people thrive. We support the health and wellness of the most marginalized, advocate for equality and justice, and work to build a culturally rich LGBTQ+ community.

Sol Collective / solcollective.org
Established in 2005, Sol Collective is a community-based partnership whose mission is to provide artistic, cultural, and educational programming, promote social justice, and empower youth through art, activism, music, and media experience. Based in Sacramento, California, Sol Collective collaborates with global and local artists activists to host art exhibitions, community workshops, youth programming, and platforms for public organizing from coast to coast.

WEAVE / weaveinc.org
WEAVE is the primary provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Sacramento County.


North American Students of Cooperation / nasco.coop
The NASCO family organizes and educates affordable group equity co-ops and their members for the purpose of promoting a community-oriented cooperative movement. They host a yearly cooperative education and training institute each fall, a conference for housing co-op staff and managers each spring and assist with the organization of our regional housing co-op conference (WestCo). NASCO also maintains an online resource library and makes visits to each of its member co-ops for consultation and to provide additional training. 

California Center for Cooperative Development / cccd.coop
CCCD promotes cooperatives as a vibrant model to address the economic and social needs of California’s communities. CCCD supports the myriad of cooperatives in California (agricultural, arts and crafts, child care, energy, housing, worker-owned, etc.) with start-up, management, and other technical assistance. The Center’s Community and Economic Development Programs specifically highlight cooperative projects that promote opportunities for people with low and moderate incomes, as well as economically disadvantaged communities, regions, and neighborhoods.

Fellowship for Intentional Community / ic.org
The FIC works to support and promote the development of intentional communities as pathways towards a more cooperative, sustainable and just world. To make intentional community accessible to all those who seek it. To serve intentional communities and spread their solutions. They maintain a directory of student and community co-ops, communes, ecovillages, cohousing and coliving communities as well as host a bookstore, classified pages and other resources.