Food Justice

Cooperative Food Sovereignty Internship

Applications for Summer 2024 are due TBA.

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The Food Justice Initiative will host six “Cooperative Food Sovereignty” internships each quarter. The internship program will further expand the food sovereignty-based mutual aid network established by interns in 2021 with a focus on sharing food, labor, material resources and food-production knowledge across the Solar Community Housing Association’s (SCHA) housing cooperatives and extended community. Interns will lead SCHA members in democratic cooperative stewardship of an SCHA garden of their choice for the production of food crops and medicinal plants. Food will be distributed through a free weekly “CSA” program to residents of SCHA co-ops and the Student Farm’s Fresh Focus partners. Interns will coordinate experiential learning and community building opportunities for members of SCHA through work parties and teach-ins. 

Anyone interested in food justice is eligible to participate. Interns may apply to steward land at any SCHA co-op, pending approval from the host co-op. Interns may apply to participate in the internship program for a minimum of two quarters. Interns will complete a 27-66 internship hours per quarter (approximately 3-6 hours per week per academic quarter). Coordination of the internship program will be led by SCHA Land Stewardship Coordinator Kaitlin Oki with support from the Food Justice Initiative Action Team.