Established in 1986, J Street Co-op is in Old East Davis, in a house dating back to the 1920s. The house was the former location of the Davis Art Center and was converted back to housing through a self-help remodeling effort that included raising the roof and adding additional living space. Currently, the house is about 2,400 square feet (not counting its basement) and contains 7 bedrooms (two downstairs, five upstairs), 2 bathrooms (one upstairs, one downstairs), a kitchen, sunroom, living room, dining room, back deck, office landing, and a fantastic front porch.

Our house is a low income housing opportunity and an equal opportunity housing provider with an emphasis on radical anti-oppression education, community dinners, and making decisions by consensus. Member obligations include: one cook night a week (with a housemate cook partner), some chores, weekly house meetings, and monthly work parties. We eat dinner together at 7pm Monday – Thursday and some Sundays. In addition to our residential house members, the Co-op sometimes takes on one to three “boarders,” people who eat dinner with the house and take on a cook night per week (with a partner or two).
Find the current rent rates here: The Board charge is currently $90 /month and covers shared food and house supplies.